Monday, September 24, 2007

Ending pollution is the only solution.

So. I want friends. It's crazily annoying here. I need to make friends with brand-stinking-new people in the same old town. I kinda have my eye on a couple of people at holmes to be friends with, and I'm only vaugely succeeding. I can talk to them, but I want to build it to have someone to hang out with, but that's hard when you don't have a car (the car situtation as has gotten crazy times more complicated, but it may get a lot simpler sometime). I can't just be like "Yeah, let's go eat there, I'm game!" when I'm waiting on a ride from my dad. Also, work limits me a little bit, but it's also stopping me from completely wasting away in front of the television with nothing to do, and it gives me interaction with people.

On the other hand, I'm way better at talking to people. If I hadn't worked at Sal & Mookies, I wouldn't even have almost friends. Of course, who knows if I would have failed Gov't, and gone to Holmes, but that's w/e.

People tend to ask me why not Hinds. If I'm gunna stay at home anyway, Holmes is closer, and I would know more people at Hinds. Although this seems to be what I want, those people aren't nessesarily my friends. Some people at Hinds live-on campus might be, but not so much the commuter campus. Here the only people from Murrah in my classes graduated a couple of years ago. All the just graduates in one of my classes went to MRA apparently (makes sense as I am in ridgeland.) There are some cool people though. Rebecca Disharoon is someone I've seen that I wouldn't actually mind being friends with. Also, just sitting down next to me at a computer is Christina (it's hard to remember her name for some reason, and it's not just me), who goes to Holmes, and works at Sal & Mookie's. At first I didn't know if I would like her, being so peppy and sparkley-eyed as she is, but she's awesome. Once when she wasn't as happy I was totally pissed at the person who made her so. Can't just steal someones awesome happiness like that, it's just not cool. She's a candidate for friend.

I should stop writing and get to work. Even though it's 9:02 and I have till 12:15 when my next class starts. Le sigh. It's what I get for bumming rides off of other people. On the other hand, I like spending my nights doing whatever and then doing my homework in the mornings, even so that I come early when I don't have to. Just not this early.

Oh, and my awesome speech teacher, who is definately the coolest, funniest, and best of all my teachers, makes writing a speech seem much easier than expected. Really quite awesome, though I'm sure it will dribble out of my shaking mouth, I'll be semi-prepared and not over-worked for it.

I want a new iPod nano, and i really shouldn't. Having a lot of money you're not saving up for anything in particular is sometimes a bad thing. (also, there's the iPod touch, either way, I would do a lot of frikken thinking before either.)

and I need a new phone, but I don't consider the iPhone. Just a weirdie I guess. Srsly thou, AT&T totally gave up all new phones for the past year to get the iPhone. Frikken annoying, when I looked for a new phone a year ago, decided I didn't want any of them, looked now, and it's the exact same selection plus the iPhone. Lame. (I do like that the iPhone is totally taking us into 'the future' though, cus people who wouldn't buy such a phone do, and it's like star trek style with a touch screen and no real buttons)


Ammon said...

i'm going to guess your title is relating to your speech.

Yeah, i imagine making friends there sucks, since it took some time here with 1000's of brand new people, roomates, and church.

but here's some good news:

May the wish power are together with you.

Anonymous said...

you need to come stay with me at the haven sometime. like sleepover. i miss you lots and i have no idea what ever happens around here because i'm in the b-haven bubble.


mrdudm said...

I am so coming home this weekend. I am not sure what that means, but its happening. I didn't meet anyone my first year of college because I was rooming with Andrew and had girlfriends in Jackson. But this year things are starting to change. So far I am really just hanging out with the guys Andrew hung out with last year, but I talk to other people too, like my roommate. Haha, the haven.

Unknown said...
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AllPlayedOut said...

i know christina! i was actually going to try and get her to get an apartment with me but then i found out she was moving in with a friend. it sucks

ThePensive said...

Commenting on your posts seems like the in-thing to do. I figure I'll conform.



Ammon said...

yeah, i got it all set up today, there'll be pictures as soon as i borrow my friends camera and take them. It's pretty great, it's working out even better than i'd planned. It's possibly the greatest addition to college life since i discovered instant oatmeal.

Ammon said...

well yeah, but not when they don't realize. You guys pick up on that wicked fast.