Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas time is here

Okay, so I'm in Kentucky once again, so as to shop my heart out right before christmas, and then shop some more after and spend some time with "the fam." I'm looking forward to seeing my brother when we reach Louisville, and I'll feel good once I've actually gotten presents for someone. Anyone. Just one. It feels a tiny bit more like the holiday season, but it's still not there. I'm not expecting much more either. It's like 60 tomorrow here, but it's supposed to suddenly drop temperature christmas day, and boy am I looking forward to that. I should see Sweeney Todd and National Treasure 2 whilst being here, since that's what my brother and I do when we're bored, but who knows with him living here now, he could have like.. friends and stuff. But I brought the Wii just for him, since he's been vidi game deprived.

Either way I should see National Treasure 2 late at night right around christmas, since it's our tradition that got started with teh LOTRs. Go see the latest showing, and when you get out it should be snowing. That last part will probably not prevail this year though.

Anywhoo, all I'm trying to say is, I have internet in Bowling Green!!! thank YOU laptops and neighbor's unrestricted networks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope your christmas was fantastic! love you!