Monday, January 14, 2008

Snowball's chance in MS

So, I got my license today. Granted, my intermediate, but I care not for the law! And so I will stay out past ten.

I'm actually in classes with a couple of people I know, and I have people I can talk to outside of class from the get go, which is pretty cool. Today I actually saw Terri for realz, and tomorrow is my first day of Music Appreciation, which is a two and a half hours and only meeting once a week, so I hope it's not horribly boring.

I'm starting to see more and more people who go to Holmes at other places, and it makes me feel like Jackson is too small, but at the same time it's fun because I feel like I'm knowing more people.

Kyle got Rock Band the other day, and I ended up playing guitar because people wanted to play other stuff. While I sucked horribly, I got my bearings a bit, and that game is so awesome. Because the developers got to see the flaws of guitar hero beforehand, it totally rules. And the guitar itself is so much better looking. So much.

I want someone to play Super Mario Galaxy with me.


Ammon said...

i want to play rock band, but it's so very expensive and i don't know anybody with it.

Anonymous said...

i want to play mario galaxy with you and rock band... and umm, i'm in town. let's get together and have some super fun game nights!

ThePensive said...

Hoo-ray for Caitlin posting! I need to do some of that...